We, the undersigned, are writing to urge you to take immediate action to bring H.R. 1564, which will designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations, out of the Judiciary Committee and onto the House floor for a vote.
The ongoing violence and devastation caused by drug cartels have reached alarming levels, affecting communities across our nation. By labeling these organizations as terrorist entities, we can strengthen our legal framework to combat their operations. This will provide law enforcement with the necessary tools to protect our citizens.
Reasons for Supporting H.R. 1564:
- Public Safety: The actions of drug cartels pose a significant threat to public safety on both sides of the border, contributing to violence, drug addiction, and the destabilization of communities.
- Legal Framework: Designating cartels as terrorist organizations would allow for more robust legal actions against them, including enhanced penalties and asset seizures.
- National Security: The activities of these cartels often extend beyond our borders, impacting international relations and national security.
- Community Support: Many communities here and abroad are suffering due to the influence and violence of these organizations. It is vital that their voices are heard and that we take decisive action.
We believe that H.R. 1564 has the potential to make a meaningful impact in the fight against drug cartels and to protect our communities. We respectfully request that you advocate for this bill to be brought to the House floor for a vote as soon as possible.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. We look forward to your support in advancing H.R. 1564.

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