Restore the dream

Renew our founding principles

Be the change our nation needs

Restore the dream

Renew our founding principles

Be the change our nation needs



In a time of rapid change and shifting tides, we are united by a common purpose – to champion Conservative Values that have stood as pillars of strength throughout the history of our great nation. Our journey ahead is not just about politics; it’s about preserving the essence of who we are as a people. It’s about honoring the legacies of those who came before us while ensuring that our children and their children inherit a nation that continues to shine as a beacon of liberty and opportunity. This grassroots movement, advocating for the reintroduction of hand marked, hand counted, open record paper ballots, encapsulates the very essence of our democratic ideals. It’s an invitation to stand shoulder to shoulder, transcending party lines, to forge a future where every vote is a cornerstone of trust and faith in our electoral system.

Economic Prosperity and American Values

  • Tax credits nationwide for first-time homeowners, however, no altering of loan eligibility with the banks as there is no wish for a repeat of the irresponsible loan practices of the housing collapse of 2008.
  • Reaffirming the role of our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; while at the same time retiring more than 5 million antiquated laws on the books that only serve to limit the people’s freedom as well as confuse and confound our judicial system and give special privileges to the elite.
  • Property tax exemption/credit for farmers across America to aid in their expenses as farmers have so much property to maintain for their livestock and to provide for American food supplies.
  • Avoiding corrupt international wars that serve to enrich military contractors and members of the political elite whilst impoverishing and sacrificing the lives of everyday Americans.
  • Price gouging through government aided monopolies in our medical industries have gone on far too long. Laws are needed to reduce the barriers to entry to allow competition to thrive and make the cost of medical services come back to the reasonable levels we once enjoyed.
  • American universities have incorporated across the nation and have engaged in predatory behavior with student loans. The right to declare bankruptcy is one of the two fundamental rights that every citizen is entitled to under the US constitution. Students should be permitted to declare bankruptcy to combat the predatory lending practices of Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae.

Constitutional Governance and Individual Liberties

  • Reaffirming the 2nd Amendment as an unquestioned sovereign right.
  • Reasserting “we the people’s” Constitutional sovereign right to convene “THE PEOPLES GRAND JURY”.
  • Protecting the gift of life for both the born and unborn.

National Security and Ethical Governance

  • Securing our borders against criminal invasion by completing the wall along the entire US-Mexico border and patrolled by the border agents as well as non-overseas deployed troops. The necessity of military personnel has been made all the more clear in recent days with the unprecedented incompetence of the Biden administration as thousands of illegal migrants flood across our borders.
  • Changes to the Emergency Powers Act so that the Senate must vote on if there is an actual emergency. For too long, Presidents have been using it to abuse their power.
  • Regulatory capture has proven to be especially dangerous to the ethical decision making of various government institutions. No former employee of pharmaceutical companies should be permitted to be a decision-making board member of the FDA.
  • There are over several hundred government agencies that are replicated at the state level and provide nothing of value that the states themselves provide. This is an enormous waste of taxpayer money that enables the government to encroach upon the states and how they function. The elimination of these agencies is essential to alleviating tax burdens on the citizenry both as small business owners as well as individuals.
  • Insider trading has been a ubiquitous vice of congress for decades now. With insider access to information about major corporations that lobby them, our senators and representatives are drafting legislation to favor corporations and put small businesses out to pasture while personally profiting through insider trading. No member of congress or their immediate family members should be permitted to trade in the stock market.
  • Term limits are one of the few things that the overwhelming majority of liberals, conservatives, and independents can agree on. No one should be dying of old age in congress due to having been there for decade after decade. This only serves to further reinforce corruption with entrenched incumbents with insane funding and name recognition advantages due to decades of robbing Americans blind and corporate media complicity. 

Campaign Trail

Join us for an enlightening fireside chat as our team decisively makes its way to towns near you, forging connections and fostering impactful conversations within your community.

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Reagan Box For Senate

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