Reclaiming Integrity in Leadership


Fighting for the American People

Like many Americans, I’m deeply concerned about the direction of our country. Too many of our elected officials believe they’re in charge of “We The People,” when in reality, they work for us. By accepting money from lobbyists and special interest groups, they’ve enriched themselves while everyday Americans struggle to make ends meet. Insider trading and the influence of corporate interests have created a corrupt relationship between Congress and big business, pushing the needs of the people aside. As Senator, I will go to Washington to end this cycle.

I won’t back down from the tough issues. I’ll fight the special interest money that has poisoned our government, tackle the national debt, and get spending under control. I will address the border crisis, combat food insecurity, and stop the misuse of power in agencies like the FBI, DOJ, and ATF. The Second Amendment must be protected, and I’ll work to curb government overreach that’s hurting Americans. I’ll also confront Big Pharma and Big Tech for their unchecked influence over our lives and fight to protect the unborn. National security will be a priority, ensuring our military is strong and free from radical agendas.

As your Senator, I’ll defend your God-given and Constitutional rights and work tirelessly to put America back on track. I am committed to ensuring that the voices of everyday Americans are heard and represented, not drowned out by the interests of the powerful and elite.

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Rolling Back Harmful Regulations

As your Senator, I will push for local control over entitlement programs to reduce waste and fraud. I will stand up for farmers and ranchers by working to eliminate the harmful EPA regulations that have hurt them without benefiting the environment. Having grown up in the heart of rural America, I know firsthand the hard work and dedication that farmers and ranchers put into feeding our nation. I’ve lived that life, and I’m committed to protecting it.

The radical left is already targeting traditions like rodeos and horse shows, which aren’t just events—they’re part of our culture and a vital source of income for rural communities. I will fight to preserve this way of life that symbolizes American freedom, hard work, and resilience. Agriculture is the backbone of our country, and I will do everything in my power to protect it and the people who make it thrive.


Fighting for America’s Future

I am committed to reforming the Department of Education to remove sexually inappropriate content and Marxist historical revisionism from our children’s curriculums. I will work tirelessly to expose political abuses by the FBI and DOJ, holding accountable those persecuting everyday Americans.

As a conservative Christian, I’m pro-life and a strong advocate for the 1st and 2nd Amendments. After much prayer and reflection, I believe God has called me to be the change we need, just as our Founding Fathers fought for our freedoms.

I am running to restore the values that made our country great, protect our children, and preserve the truth of our history. This isn’t for personal gain, but to fight for hardworking Americans. I’m proud to work with organizations like Georgia Right to Life and Tactical Civics, but I need your support to secure a future of freedom and prosperity. Every contribution, large or small, will be used wisely in this mission.

Reagan Box For Senate