A Glimpse into a Committed Conservative Leader


A Journey of Service and Leadership

My name is Reagan Box. Like many Americans, I’ve worn many different hats throughout my life. I wore the scholar’s cap when I attended Berry College. After this I put on a metaphorical beret and studied art and history in Paris, France. Once I finished that phase of my life I wore a swim cap and performed shark and sea turtle research in the Florida Keys. Next it was a sunhat to do missionary work in Costa Rica. But over the past 16 years, I’ve worn a cowboy hat and traveled around the country starting, training, and showing horses at a national level while helping ranchers and in feed lots when needed.

But none of those hats are as important as the one I’ve been wearing as candidate for the United States Senate from the State of Georgia in 2026.

Standing for Georgia

Fighting for the People

As Senator for the great state of Georgia, I will stand strong in the fight for the people and tackle the tough issues head-on. I will fight against the influence of special interest money that has infiltrated every chamber of our government. I will confront our growing national debt and bring spending under control. I’ll propose real solutions for the border crisis, hunger, and food insecurity in America, and I will put a stop to the political weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, and the judicial system. The ATF has violated the Second Amendment with its overreach, and I will work to restore the rights of law-abiding citizens. I will also fight against increasing taxes and inflation, and stand firm against Big Pharma and Big Tech, whose unchecked power has harmed the American people. As your Senator, I will not tolerate this corrupt behavior. I will fight to protect the unborn, defend our God-given and Constitutional rights, and ensure our military is strong and free from the radical-left ideology that has damaged its effectiveness.

I will also work to restore local control over entitlement programs to prevent waste and fraud. I will fight to protect agriculture by eliminating harmful EPA regulations that have devastated farmers and ranchers with no real benefit to the environment. I grew up in the heart of rural America and know firsthand the dedication and sacrifices that farmers and ranchers make to feed this nation. Having lived and witnessed this hard work, I’m committed to preserving the farming and ranching way of life. The radical left is already trying to ban traditional activities like rodeos and horse shows, which are not just competitions but a way of life that supports rural communities. I will fight with everything I have to protect these symbols of American freedom, hard work, and perseverance.

Reagan Box For Senate