Habersham County GOP Meeting

On Tuesday, June 11th, Reagan Box will be a guest speaker at the monthly Habersham County GOP meeting. Reagan will be speaking about the weaponization of our legal system and election integrity efforts across the nation. As more and more evidence accumulates with hundreds of thousands of discrepancies with missing ballot images and images that don’t match results, trust in our current model of elections becomes more and more indefensible. Americans are losing their trust in our electoral process and our legislators continue to show their obstinance if not indifference. Reagan will point out the evidence in Georgia as well as the need for hand marked, open record, paper ballots. This and only this will be able to restore faith, integrity, and trust in our elections.

Many of us are becoming more and more aware of the partisan weaponization of our various law enforcement agencies. We are seeing everything from the kangaroo trial of Donald Trump to the governor Whitmer kidnapping hoax perpetrated by the FBI. Now with the move to arrest Stephen Bannon the blatantly partisan and politically motivated corruption becomes more and more undeniable. As our law enforcement agencies become more blatant in their corruption the American public becomes more outraged and distrustful. Consequently, if congress and the executive branch do not get our law enforcement agencies reformed and cleansed of 3rd world tier corruption then our nation will tear itself apart.

Reagan will be available  after the meeting for questions and answers for all who attend. Reagan will also be selling ‘Reagan’s Roast’, a coffee line she has set up with a partnership with Patriots Coffee. In addition she will be selling her new line of shirts as well as Trump honey for her campaign. We hope to see you there for the monthly Habersham County GOP meeting!


Jun 11 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Habersham County Senior Center
217 Scoggins Dr, Demorest, GA 30535
QR Code
Reagan Box For Senate