Muscogee County GOP Meeting

On Tuesday evening, May 14th, Reagan Box will be a guest speaker at a Muscogee County GOP meeting at the double tree hotel in Columbus. The Muscogee County GOP has asked Reagan to discuss several issues that have been a major issues locally and nationally. The Rule of Law has been undermined all across the nation locally and federally for years now. The plague of out of control crime has made the standard of living plummet for Americans all across the nation. Rogue district attorneys who are more interested in pushing insane politics over the safety of the citizenry must be put out to pasture. Whether it is the witch hunt and blatant theft that Fani Willis has been engaging in on our dime or Alejandro Mayorkas doing nothing to protect our southern border from invasion, the lunatics are running the asylum.

Another issue that has not been managed well is our out of control printing and spending budgets. The congressional budget office has been laughably incompetent with spending projections as well as budgeting for decades. Many of these officials have no business being in the positions they hold. Additionally, Reagan will emphasize how congress needs to reassert its ability to oversee agencies to ensure competence and integrity.

Lastly, Reagan will address our ongoing regulatory disaster that has driven business overseas for generations. Us conservatives love the environment as well proper compensation of workers. Regulatory agencies have gone far past sanity concerning the protection of the former to the immense expense of the latter. Reagan will discuss the useless redundancies in federal agencies that provide no value whatsoever and why they should be abolished.

A Q&A session will be held at the end of the meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the double tree hotel in Muscogee for the Columbus County GOP meeting!



May 14 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Double Tree Hotel
5351 Sidney Simons Blvd, Columbus, GA 31904
QR Code
Reagan Box For Senate