Peach County GOP Meeting

This Tuesday, June 18th, Reagan Box has been invited as a guest speaker at the monthly Peach County GOP meeting. In light of the Saudis refusal to renew their agreement with selling petroleum exclusively in US dollars the global confidence in our currency continues to erode. As more nations begin to question America’s competency and strength in terms of military and economic policy, our status as the reserve world currency weakens. Consequently, if fewer nations continue to use the US dollar for commerce the US will lose the ability to hold value to our currency.

Countless examples of useless redundancy within our federal government that waste tax payers and national resources. There are over 400 government agencies that are already performed at the state level. These federal agencies provide little to no value in countless circumstances. Greater control over local governance is more effective at rendering services to the public than legions of bureaucrats in DC. This is not even taking into account the conflicts that arise between state and federal agencies. Reagan proposes the elimination of most of these agencies so that more resources and control is kept within state control.

Reagan will be available after the meeting for questions and answers for all who attend. She will also be selling ‘Reagan’s Roast’, a coffee line she has set up with a partnership with Patriots Coffee. In addition she will be selling her new line of shirts as well as Trump honey for her campaign. We look forward to seeing you there for the monthly Peach County GOP meeting!


Jun 18 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Harmony Community Church
3085 Housers Mill Rd, Byron, GA
QR Code
Reagan Box For Senate